Surreal reality.
This post is going to be very similar to one of my A level Artist studies from back at school... when I was a sad lonely teenager with a demon of an art teacher who wouldn't shut up about how proud she was of her divorce.... "I'm SoRrY mIsS I jUsT cOuLdN't ImAgInE sOmEoNe LoViNg YoU iN tHe FiRsT pLaCe!" My focus here is on an a photographer that I really admire. And thats Gilbert Garcin. My man is french and is 89 years old and only started making his photographic pieces in his retirement aaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnndddddddd those are the only facts you are going to get because his work is far more interesting... no offence to the man. Sorry Mr Garcin Now I'm sure that I'm going to misinterpret a lot of Mr Garcins work because I am just a dumb fuck university student. But this is what his work means to me... I'm always fascinated about the ideas of a bigger universe or a simulated reality... This piece brings an entirely new meaning to having th...