A compilation of work...

So over the past couple of weeks I've been smashing out some work.
I've really tried on improving the quality of my CAD work and also the quantity of the work that I'm doing.
Plus I've had a shit ton of free time...


1. Shorts compilation...

So not only was this a way to show my favourite shorts designs but it is also a great way for me to almost find my style through CAD...
My main approach here though was to figure out how to avoid making my images look flat and bland... So I decided to use the lighting of the image and use it to help make the picture look Dynamic and interesting.
Turns out this was a lot simpler than I thought and I'm really happy with the results.

2. The Kitty Kat

One day I was bored and I wasn't doing any work....
So I drew a cat wearing my hoodie... I liked it so much I decided to make it my sportswear Instagram profile picture.

3. Hoodie Photo shoot

So I felt a bit guilty in regards to my story project in first year with how I didn't really do everything to as high of a quality as I would of liked. So I've decided to go back and revisit a few things specifically the photo shoot. Now I used someone else to model because I HATED modelling in my own clothes for my own project. So I got one of my mates to do it for me instead...
This was great because I didn't feel like the vainest person on the planet behind.
Editing it was also a lot better because my skills in Photoshop have improved a lot. And the pictures were taken in a better location.

4. Hoodie Videos

So I could only post one of these here because the others are a little bit to long.
But it shows the kind of feel of the other videos as well...

Look at me break down my own stuff like a madman

5. CAD leggings

So I started to use my new and improved CAD skills to start messing around with different body positions in relation to the way the garment was being worn.
What I would like to do in the future is to use my own images to trace instead of finding them oline and then transition into not even needing to trace.
Still looks good though.


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