Compression gear

After my blog post yesterday I actually decided to go out and do a little experiment.
I went to the gym today and normally I would wear a basic t-shirt with some shorts...
Or some leggings if I'm feeling fancy
But today I decided to wear a compression top.
Its just a simple white long sleeve very tight and flexible shirt made by Sondico...
Otherwise known as Sports direct...
here's a picture.
Image result for sondico compression shirt 
I spent at least 30 mins on the punchbag to see how the shirt would effect my performance. 
Long story 
The shirt would make me feel very hot however it did also keep my skin dry underneath. 
It did also restrict my movement on my upper back so I found myself having to use my hips a lot more than usual.  
I think the next thing to do is to do the same thing wearing loose clothing.


Anonymous said…
I Like where this might be headed. Curiosity > Small Experiment > Scientific Methodology > Sportswear Design PHD. Don't say I didn't warn you! Quality thinking all the same.