
I started filming today...

How did it go you might ask...


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To start off for my first shoot of the day my camera guy turned up half an hour late... 
...Without the camera... 

You literally had one job

The 2nd shoot of the day was also difficult, simply because it was a bit funny to film. 
Like you give 4 dudes a camera and no work is getting done. 
The lighting was fucking awful to setup like if we used the window light it was too bright and if we didn't it was okayyyy but there would be a lot of noise in the shot. (Black grain or dots) 
It was also very cramped and it was difficult to do when all of the that I wanted didn't last very long at all... and that my actors were a wee bit impatient...
And I'm just a bit shit. 

Like in this still when we were setting everything up we wanted to create a dark boyish room with one computer light on... And we had to try and make do with an entry level DSLR and a tripod that was to big and didn't fit in the room properly. 

TBF it was one of the hardest scenes to film. 
But I am REAAAALLLYYYY not happy with it as it comes across as a AS media studies film (That means its shit) 
The best camera angles we cold get were slightly shaky and didnt show the characters faces properly. 

I want to do it again but I doubt that I can because everyone has deadlines now and I have a week left. 

At least the shirt looks semi normal 

Now if you'll excuse me 
I'm going to go into a rabbit hole of an all night editing sesh to see what I can do with this footage. 
Image result for work all night


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