Dress shirt Progress
So today all I really do was two things...
I made the Collar and sewed it on
And I mad the Button Plackets.
The collar took pretty much all day because I go the Sizing wrong completely and I nearly began to sew it on.
But because James has a brain he decided to double check and he soon realised that he was at least 3cm off.
And he had already sewn the collar together...
2nd time went a lot better and the sizing pretty much matched up.
However I wanted to stick with the white thread that i had used for the rest of the garment.
Which basically shows all of my mistakes.
So I realised that I had to be as careful as I could.
The result wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.
The Collar fits and there are a few places where layers of stitching show where they shouldn't but thats fine.
If anything its a clear picture to show where I'm at.
And compared to the last collar that I did on my last shirt its easily 10x better.
Touch wood