The Fitness Culture (Will it be a meme?)

If anyone reading this has any form of social media that involves internet celebrities or just random people showing off those crazy fitness videos or awkward Gym mirror selfies in the changing rooms, that someone waited in for half an hour until it was empty so they could take the picture without feeling vain as fuck... only to share this picture 90% with everyone that follows them on a social media platform.


People seem to wear the same things....
Like there is an obvious pattern
Which for the most part is unavoidable
I mean even I fall into it and I wear shoes that my brother told me were retarded.

Which makes sense...

I mean if I was a regular pair of shoes and some piece of shit came along with these fReAkY toes in them...

Then yea
My reaction would be
Related image
aT lEaSt I dOnT wEaR tIgHtS...

Oh shit...
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 I should probably get to the point now...

So I think the reason why this is unavoidable is due to the way Sportswear brands are taking advantage of this Social media explosion.
If one style looks good then all the other companies follow suit. ORRRR new companies rise from the ashes and quickly die.

A good example of a certain style that Brands have adapted to is GymShark...
Here's a typical Gym Shark model....
I'm going to predict it before I google it
It's either going to be a really fit Blonde Chick with a perfect body or its going to be a ridiculously buff dude with slick back hair...

Well what do you know I was right

Gym Shark has a very recognisable style. Its very fitted and plays around in two colour categories...
1. Textured shades of Grey
2. Bold faded bright colours
This factors help the clothing to really contour the user who is wearing... them.

They also print their fucking name on every waist band and every shirt. WHY?
Spoilers... its not because that creepy guy in the gym who seems to go out of his way to using the Smith machine in-between sets is wondering
"Honey I love your leggings"

No its a plug... straight into your Instagram.
Think about it... How many times have you seen one of your friends post a Gym selfie with the Hashtag #gymshark tucked away at the bottom... With the logo purposely placed conveniently above your waist... Which in horny guy terms means "Close enough to your bum for him to notice)

Trust me I know...

There is also a pride element to it.
Like I can compare it to an actual Iconic design... The Nike Air Max. If I had a pair of the originals... I would share pictures everywhere just to show that I had a pair of Nike Air Max's because deep down I want people to care that I now have nice creps and good taste.
And its the same thing with Gymshark. It's almost like its the fashion step over from wearing a simple T-shirt and shorts to the Gym simply trying to get into better shape by running in a hamster wheel for 30 mins... to almost selling the idea that you are now "A fitness Person"... "And I now drink smoothies with Celery in them because they suddenly taste so good"

I shouldn't rant about this as I actually like some of Gymsharks stuff (I have a pair of their tights shut up) But its good to point out.
Image result for I'm a fucking hypocrite

However I believe that Gymshark has sparked a little bit of a "Little bit to inspired chain".
I'll show you what I mean.

Pursue Fitness:

Image result for pursue fitnessRelated image

Machine fitness:

Image result for machine fitness clothingRelated image

Vanquish fitness: 

Image result for vanquish fitness clothing femaleImage result for gymshark leggings black

Image result for pewdiepie hmm

I know that I might be a bit thick because this is basically like comparing a T-shirt to a T-shirt. 
At the end of the day they are both the same yet some people may feel like a badge makes a difference... Enter the Hype Beasts. 

Maybe brands could look into... actually changing the game rather than saying that a bit of mesh over your asshole allows farts to propel you more efficiently... 

Just not so good for the planet... 

I guess you could put a filter on it...

Okay we're done.


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