Arguably a good and bad character trait... Its probably bad... okay its just bad
Following on from our group therapy session with Alice I had a little think about what both versions of me are going to have in common. So I decided to pick on a character trait that I myself obtain...becaaaauuusseeee what would be the point otherwise?
This trait is obsession.
I have a habit of getting obsessed with something (or addicted)
This could be by an idea, food, an activity, masturbating when I was 15 you name it.
I have been able to control it over my life with sports and the general adrenaline rush that comes with it. However I do wonder what would happen if this trait was to go badly wrong.
I could become obsessed with myself, or with money or addicted to drugs and alcohol.
So that's what my two versions are going to have in common. An obsession that spirals out of control badly in opposite directions. So one character might be obsessed with himself and money whilst forgetting about his friends and family whist the other gets addicted to drugs or that lifestyle however he forgets about what it is about living and how to succeed in life.
Rather than spending every Friday night passed out next to a police car.