My 3 core values in story

For me to enjoy a story I need 3 main things...

Just a quick warning I just finished writing this and it is LOOOONNNGGGG.
and to be honest I can't cut it down without tearing the emotion out of the post that makes it understandable.
So if you have time grab a cookie or something... I don't know have fun reading...

Try not to get lost...

The 3 core Values for me.
-A good score
-A good use of Time
-Interesting characters

When it comes to a film a good score (music) is vital
It can make or break or save a movie.
A good score should be able to be played whilst the audience is reading the book and for it to still make sense...

The score:

A good example of an incredible score is from Star Wars Episode 3 revenge of the Sith...
Now the everyone knows that episodes 1,2 and 3 are mindless jumbles on information to make the original trilogy make sense. Like really recklessly gluing together loose ends.
However I think Episode 3 is actually the best Star Wars episode... ever.
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Now I admit... the plot of the film is a bit stupid if you just watch it with no notice for the score.
Basically Boy and mentor basically two peas in a pod, another dude comes along makes one pea bad and other pea has to kill the now bad pea in order to restore balance to the universe. 
It's fucking dumb 
However the score for the film by John Williams is a instrumental master piece. It's one of the only scores I think that comes close to perfection. 
Specifically the parts of the score that play in relation to Anakin's turn to the Dark Side. 
You can play them without even watching the film and understand whats happening, the emotion in it is overwhelming. the music plays a story by itself. 

When I was younger I was one of the wierdo's who watched Star wars in the order 1,2,3,4,5,6 and now 7 I guess. 
In doing that I had no idea that Anakin was Darth Vader. 
I mean I knew who Darth Vader was you know "Big Bad completely evil dude" 
So in watching them in this order I remember Anakin being my favourite character. 
And watching him "turn" in episode 3 nearly fucking broke me. Like I cried my eyes out when he was chopped limbless and was lying on fire on the banks of Mustufar... 

oh my god I'm such a nerd 

The music allowed the audience to understand Anakins fall to the Dark side.
Helpless, tragic and incredibly sad 
rather than what the visuals of the film shows which is 
Arrogance, Anger and arguably stupidity. 
It helped create a wider view of the character. 
In saying this there is one scene where both the visuals in Hayden Christians and Ewan Mcgregors amazing acting and John Williams incredible music basically have a Film orgasm. 
The Immolation Scene. (if you don't know that that means it the scene where Obi Wan Screams "YOU WERE THE CHOSEN ONE!" and Anakin Replies "I HATE YOUUUU!!!"
It's not my favourite scene in film, no. It shows my childhood hero being burned alive. I can still barely watch. But I recognise how good of a scene it is as it shows the transition in the entire Star Wars films. 

And the closest thing I can find to all of the best parts of the score if you feel like crying like a true star wars fan.

Oh my god I'm actually tearing up...
Next Core value before I actually cry


You control the story through time and how the audience understands it.
Director Christopher Nolan is a perfect example of the use of time in films as he uses it to literally fuck your mind.
Seriously you leave the theatre with a hole in the back of your skull and your trying to piece together what happened.
In Memento the story is famously told from end to start. However this is only revealed at the end so whilst you are watching the film you think that time is running normally so when you find out the opposite is happening, the film takes on a different character.

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In Inception Time is used to show the speed of reality in "different levels of dreams" So in reality whilst only a few moments have passed, in the dream years could of gone by. 
In Interstellar (My favourite film of all time by the way) time is shown to change speed as well, but under the influence of gravitational pull. Which on its own sounds like something you learn in a physics lesson and brush of your shoulder. In the film however it is brought to you in a way that triggers a heavy emotional response. The films been out for 4 years now so I'm allowed to ruin it.
Basically they go to a planet where for ever hour is 7 years everywhere else. They accidentally stay for to long and they return to the "mother ship" lets call it to find that they're children who were only kids when they left are now adults the same age as them.  

And Matthew Mcconaughey cries... Which in turns makes you cry 
Because its heartbreaking s hell 

At the end of the film Matt returns to find that even though he feels like he's been gone a few days its actually been like 100 years. And that his daughter is now an old woman on her death bed.

And in Dunkirk the same story is repeated over and again but from different perspectives of the soldiers, sailors and fighter pilots.
It's definetly a fun thing to play around with is time.

Good Characters:

I mean this one is completely obvious.
A good character, maybe even a relegate one can make a shit film good.
If the characters each have a strong profile that makes you think, then your talking.
Films with small casts tend to have incredibly good characters as you spend most of your time with them and no one else.
Films like Cast away are a great example as a fucking football with a face drawn on it suddenly becomes an iconic and loved character even though it doesent say anything.
Can you remeber the name of the character Tom Hanks plays in that movie?
Can you remember the name of the ball?
Image result for wilson floating away
Films like Pulp fiction however have lots of Character who have very strong profiles. 
I personally think this is because Tarantino is a genius but hey what do I know. 
Nearly every character in that film is memorable because they are the very fibre of the story and together they create a beautiful dress... with blue berry pancakes on it...
Its also due to the deep and creative script with the conversations of the characters. 
Here is a very umm... profound scene from Pulp fiction... 

There you have it
My 3 core concepts
My hands are bleeding now so you better be grateful for this content.
Hopefully you didn't fall asleep...



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