The final 3...


I've really psyched myself up for this moment as well!
Here are the three designs that I see myself taking a little bit further.
I'll go through them and explain why I like each one.
This design has two sides to it... 
This is also the only design idea that I used white in. And I think it works really well with the warm blues and oranges of the paint job.
It almost looks like a coral reef in a way. This paintwork I'm finding can portray itself in different ways depending on how and what its presented with. 
I really like how "blue" this design is...
The only thing that I would change is the black accents that I have surrounding the design as they seem to kill the effect of the colour a bit. It draws to much attention to itself. 
The circles of white however bring something interesting to the game though providing an sign of chaos snd life into the garment. 
This design was more focused on a sunset over water...
So I used far more orange on the accents and I also turned the saturation of the paint job up as well. The result is this energy fuelled garment that I guess you could relate to a sports car, with bright colours and sleek design.
I feel however that the browns in the paint have to much of an influence over the reds and oranges. So it ca have quite a rusty look to it.


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