Like running naked
So this morning I had my first run in my new shoes
Easily the shortest and most interesting run of my life.
It was short because I knew if I tried to run a longer distance I would end up seriously injuring myself and have to wait a couple of weeks before I can run again.
This would of been because the muscles which Humans are "supposed to use" when running barefoot have not been used when wearing normal running shoes. So the user (me) would get D.O.M's (Delayed Muscle Onset) which basically is when your muscles that are suddenly being used that have been hypertrophying for most of your life. This is mainly in your calf's and feet muscles.
So even after running only 2 miles I could definitely feel the backs of my legs and my feet starting to really hurt. So its really important to stretch.
Easily the shortest and most interesting run of my life.
It was short because I knew if I tried to run a longer distance I would end up seriously injuring myself and have to wait a couple of weeks before I can run again.
This would of been because the muscles which Humans are "supposed to use" when running barefoot have not been used when wearing normal running shoes. So the user (me) would get D.O.M's (Delayed Muscle Onset) which basically is when your muscles that are suddenly being used that have been hypertrophying for most of your life. This is mainly in your calf's and feet muscles.
So even after running only 2 miles I could definitely feel the backs of my legs and my feet starting to really hurt. So its really important to stretch.
However when I first ran out of my driveway and onto the road I have never felt as excited and amazed as I did when I hit my stride. I could feel the ground beneath me and my toes were adapting to the texture of the gravel and I was landing on the front of my foot. It was like running on springs.
It was also the moment when I could see whether or not all of my research into this style of running actually made sense. All the way back in year 12 when we began to start our extended project I was already interested in running shoes however having to write a 5000 word essay made me realise that maybe we don't need them. I only seriously considered actually getting a pair of barefoot running shoes a year ago when I had my university interview and Tom...
Suddenly interrupted me and started yapping on for 5 mins of my interview about how he "Lives that barefoot life man"
So I could actually see and talk to someone who had already done it...
He didn't seem to much like a dick so I started to seriously consider it.
I'm going to have a day in-between to rest and see if my muscles in my lower leg feel okay because I definitely don't want to injure myself doing this.
Hopefully when February comes around I will have fully adjusted.