Umm the Holocaust??? really tom
Wow this is a post that I'm finding very difficult to write about for MANY DIFFERENT REASONS!
I'm just going to dive into it
Eyes closed head first,
Can't loose
Soooo in my most recent individual tutorial which I personally like to call "individual therapy sessions" I was given a tiny tiny bit of a challenge.
Which was to write about the HOLOCAUST! In my blog writing style. Which Tom has told me is very umm "entertaining" and quite similar to the way Ryan Reynolds portrays the character Deadpool... Which reminds me
This was actually quite a surprising thing to say as when I am writing these posts, sometimes I read them later finding myself using Deadpool's voice because of the way I write....
With all the trail offs...
And just way to much sarcasm.
But still a day after I have been given this task I am finding myself trying to get my head around how to... portray this but in this fugazi style. I mean I definitely can't be funny. That's like a no go zone. Unless its obviously taking the piss out of the bad guy... and even that is risky.
I really feel like this post will be like drawing a picture on an inflated hydrogen balloon with a red hot needle.
But I still would like to make this post quite deep and really make it meaningful. rather than do what I did in year 9 R.P.E and just smash down facts about this event on a sticky laptop keyboard.
It's not like I can just poke my head around the corner and say
I can't write about this and go on a tangent
This i just a big kick in the balls
I'm in pain and I wanna throw up