Shirt delay

One of the things that I have been relatively consistent with in life is planning for the worst.
And luckily I will able to do just that over the coming week.

And to be honest this is all very Ironic
Especially considering that last week in contemporary practice we were all talking about our phones, and how easily they break...

Mine did just that

So here I am sitting at my desk writing about my shit.
Seriously this Black Friday weekend has just been full of my stuff breaking... My shoes, headphones and now my god damn phone... which unfortunately in this day and age I need. Because I can't do my washing now, because you need an app for it.

So this of course is going to take a huge chunk of my bank account away. Mainly because I prefer to buy a phone outright and then use pay as you go... I just really hate being tied down to a contract.
So this leaves me to be financially venerable, and as for the fact that I haven't got my buttons or the Vilean, I'm going to have to postpone the make of the shirt for a week or so... Just so can be sure that I can have enough for food at home and for the phone plus other small expenses that I need...

First world problems Jesus...
"Its like raiiiiiinnnnnnnnn, on ya wedding dayyyy"


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