Research and Analysis techniques

For my research and analysis I will be looking at:

-Design: I could research design by using 2nd hand information that I find online or use inspiration that I find in books and magazines. I could also research design by conducting it myself by experimenting with different shapes and colours.
-Science: Conducting my own experiments would be a great way to figure out the scientific aspects of my work. This could range from trying to see how much stress a product can take to see how long it useful life and durability looks like. 
-Assessment: Would normally come after some research has been done to determine what to do next when it comes to designing or making a product. 
-Concepts: Would allow me to get a better idea of my design phase when making a product and deciding what its going to do. The concept of a product is deciding the role that it is going to perform in relation to the user.
-Ownership: Not only does this mean that I need to claim ownership over my own products however it also means that I need to be careful that I don't plagiarise someone else's work as my own. 

I will be collecting this data through 1st and 2nd hand research.

I could conduct my own research by using questionnaires that I could conduct using online polls or actually going out into the real world and conducting my research on the streets.

At the same time I could easily use data that has already been collected by someone else if the data was not possible for me to collect or too time consuming.   

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