Core skills and plan
Core skills:
Autonomous direction: Take Control, find out my own unique information, don't be afraid to make mistakes.
Strategic Planning: Current planning skills are okay, these could be improved quite a bit, the use of more personal timetables and to do lists could come in handy.
Personal Motivation: Already loving the course, driven to be unique and to use multiple styles, the eternal student etc...
Focus practice and patience: Train myself to thrive in uncomfortable situations, go to where the fear is.
Drawing: Already good at drawing, love drawing, need to learn to draw different things in different styles, learn how to use even more types of media, expand my horizons.
CAD: Some experience in using CAD software, need to drastically improve my skills, try using new software.
Garment construction: No experience in this field, try to experiment as soon as possible, try to build your own styles early.
Talking product and design: Okay at presenting, can be improved, need to talk slower and clearer for the audience to hear and understand, make presenting more attractive.
Networking: Learn how to share my ideas not just on the internet, how to present it to a live audience.
Breathing Space: Remember to switch off sometimes but only when you can afford it.